This school was undersubscribed in 2024. Qualifying children living in the selected property could have attended in 2024.
Oversubscribed in Area
This school was oversubscribed on 2024. The selected property was within the Acceptance Area (click on the school to reveal the area polygon) and therefore qualifying children could have attended.
Oversubscribed Outside Area
The school was oversubscribed in 2024. The selected property was outside the Acceptance Area (click on the school to reveal the area polygon) and therefore children living there could not have attended.
Other Selection Criteria
This school has other selection criteria than location alone, such as faith or fees. Contact the school directly for more information.
What Does Oversubscribed Mean?
This means the school was not able to give a place to everyone who applied on time. In other words, at least one pupil was refused a place. This refusal will have been determined by prioritising applicants using the schools admission criteria.
What Does Undersubscribed Mean?
This means that everyone who applied on time was given a place at the school.
What Does the Admission Area Mean?
These are the approximate areas that you would have needed to live in to have been successful in your application to the school in that year. (The areas shown do not include places given to children with special needs, or who have siblings already attending the school). These areas are calculated using data obtained from local authorities and individual schools. These areas can, and do, change significantly from year to year with shifts in local demographics and the popularity of a school. Therefore, living inside the Successful Applicant Area does not guarantee that you will get a place at the school in future years.